Q. Having trouble loading map?
A. Enable location services so map can load properly. IPhone users might not be prompted to enable location services if they have previously declined.
Q. Walking on the Greenbelt, who has the right of way?
A. Pedestrians have the right of way at all times. Cyclists, E-scooter users and in-line skaters must be aware of pedestrians. (see Pathway Etiquette and Rules below)
Q. The speed of some cyclist seems dangerous and walkers can’t hear them coming. How can the Greenbelt be a safer place to walk?
A. Bicyclists, E-Scooters, and Skaters, must notify others that they are passing by verbally communicating, and using a bell or horn to indicate they are approaching to pass. All should maintain speeds safe for conditions and pedestrians.
Q. Are E-bikes allowed on the Greenbelt?
A. Only E-bikes that do not exceed a maximum speed of 28 miles an hour.
Q. Can dogs be off-leash at certain areas of the Greenbelt?
A. Dogs are allowed only if on a leash for safety reasons (leash not to exceed 8 feet)
Q. Is alcohol allowed along the Greenbelt?
A. Alcohol is prohibited within 250 Feet of the Boise River. Beer/wine is allowed in the following restricted areas by permit only in conjunction with a facility reservation or scheduled BPR activity. Ann Morrison Old Timers Shelter, Julia Davis Shelters #1 & #2, Kristin Armstrong Municipal picnic sites #4 & #6.
Q. Is smoking allowed along the Greenbelt?
A. Smoking and vaping are prohibited in all public parks, including within 20 feet of the Greenbelt, except in designated areas in Ann Morrision and Julia Davis parks and city-owned golf courses.
Q. Can I be on the Greenbelt at night?
A. No. Like all city parks, the Greenbelt is open from sunrise to sunset.
Q. Can I reserve a picnic area on the Greenbelt?
A. Many of the parks along the Greenbelt have areas that you can reserve. The following link will take you to Boise City Parks and Recreation Reservation site https://www.cityofboise.org/departments/parks-and-recreation/reservations/
Q. Can I reserve part of the Greenbelt for an event?
A. Yes. The following link will take you to Boise City Special Events where you will find detailed information and can fill out an application for your event. https://www.cityofboise.org/departments/parks-and-recreation/reservations/special-events/
Q. How can I post a Greenbelt event?
A. Advertisers and non-profit organizations can post their events for free. If you have a Greenbelt event to post and would like more information, please contact jen@boisegreenbelt.app.
Pathway Etiquette and Rules:
All Greenbelt users should stay to the right and use caution under bridges and at blind corners where vision could be impaired.
Pedestrians should not walk more than two abreast.
Dog owners are responsible for sanitary disposal of dog feces.
Please do not harass or encroach upon the wildlife. Disturbing or collection any vegetation or natural habitat along the Greenbelt is prohibited.
All non-paved sections are restricted to foot traffic only.
Motorized vehicles as defined by city code and hoofed animals are prohibited on the Greenbelt. (Except for maintenance, patrol, and vehicles for disabled visitors)